planning working group

Purpose: To establish recommendations and guidelines for guidance and planning of focused ultrasound for the purpose of neuromodulation, including acoustic and thermal simulations, calculating exposure and dose parameters, and skull-imaging.

short-term goals

  • To complete phase 1 of modelling intercomparison
  • To make recommendations for a thermal index relevant for TUS (in collaboration with the Safety focus group)

1 year goals (06/2022)

  • To move on to the next phases on modelling intercomparison
  • To reach consensus/guidleines for the thermal index


First name Last name Primary affiliation Country
Bradley Treeby University College London UK
Kim Butts Pauly Stanford University USA
Aki Pulkkinen University of Eastern Finland Finland
Antonio Stanziola University College London UK
Axel Thielscher Tehnicial University of Denmark/DRCMR Denmark
Carlos Cueto Imperial College London UK
Christian Boehm ETH Zurich Switzerland
Douglas Christensen The University of Utah USA
Elwin van ‘t Wout Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Republic of Chile
Esra Neufeld IT’IS Foundation Switzerland
Gianmarco Pinton University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill USA
Hazael Montanaro IT’IS Foundation Switzerland
Jean-Francois Aubry National Centre for Scientific Research France
Jing Yun Penn State University USA
Jiri Jaros Brno University of Technology Czech Republic
Kullervo Hynynen Sunnybrook Research Institute Toronto
Lennart Verhagen Donders Insitute, Radboud University Nijmegen Netherlands
Lluis Guasch Imperial College London UK
Nathan McDannold Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School USA
Ningrui Li Stanford University USA
Oscar Bates Imperial College London UK
Pat Marty ETH Zurich Switzerland
Pierre Gelat University College London UK
Rory Cutler Brainbox Ltd UK
Samuel Pichardo University of Calgary Canada
Siti Yaakub University of Plymouth UK